
The pursuit of supply chain excellence often hinges on efficiency and innovation. A well-known company in the food and beverage industry recently partnered with Elite Sourcing and Logistics to streamline a complex product kitting project. This case study explores how this collaboration led to remarkable improvements in productivity and cost savings.

The Challenge

The company faced the substantial task of assembling a large quantity of product boxes, each containing multiple units of their products. Additionally, they required a number of master display boxes, each designed to hold several product boxes. The traditional assembly method was time-consuming and expensive. The company sought a more efficient and cost-effective solution, leading them to partner with Elite Sourcing and Logistics.

The Solution

Step 1: Gluing and Assembling Product Boxes

Elite Sourcing and Logistics implemented a streamlined gluing process for the product boxes. With a dedicated team, they efficiently glued and prepared thousands of boxes in a remarkably short time. However, an unforeseen challenge arose as some boxes tended to collapse during gluing. Fortunately, Elite’s practice of staging projects before full-scale production allowed them to identify and address this issue proactively.

Quick Innovation on the Line

To overcome the collapsing box issue, the team devised an innovative solution using readily available materials to support the boxes during gluing. This simple yet effective adjustment significantly improved the efficiency and quality of the process.

Step 2: Master Display Assembly

Next, the team assembled the master display boxes, completing this task with impressive speed. Each master box was then staged to receive the product boxes, preparing them for the final assembly stage.

Step 3: Product Box Assembly

The team efficiently filled each product box with the required number of product units, securely glued them closed and packed them into the master display boxes. Each master box was then sealed and labeled for shipment.

Step 4: Pallet Stacking and Shipping

The final step involved preparing pallets for shipment. The team stacked the master boxes onto pallets, ensuring stability and efficient use of space. Each pallet was then wrapped, labeled, and readied for transportation to retailers.


The entire project was completed in a fraction of the time it previously took, showcasing a dramatic improvement in efficiency. The total cost of the project was also significantly reduced, demonstrating substantial cost savings. The innovative solution to the box collapsing issue further highlighted the team’s adaptability and problem-solving skills.


This collaboration exemplifies the power of innovation and efficiency in supply chain management. By streamlining the product kitting process and proactively addressing challenges, the company achieved remarkable results in terms of time and cost savings.

For supply chain professionals and logistics managers, this case study underscores the value of partnering with experts who can provide innovative solutions. If you’re looking to optimize your supply chain operations, consider reaching out to Elite Sourcing and Logistics for expert assistance.

Ready to transform your supply chain processes? Contact Elite Sourcing and Logistics today to learn how we can help you achieve exceptional results in record time.

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